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It's Time to Blossom into a New You

Summer is definitely in the air, and I can’t impress enough upon you that it is the season of self-transformation.

“Love thyself” is the theme of the summer season. Those who have been on the enlightenment path, will soon reap what they have so truly worked hard for.

The first part of the year hasn’t been so much fun. It has actually been pretty tough for most of us. Well, now we can all breathe easy as things are about to get real.

Dreams and wishes are upon us. That job you have been working so hard for, the relationship that always seemed to evade you, the pay rise you are always promised but never get, or the dream job in a brand-new country; it’s all happening now!

It’s time to raise your awareness, otherwise you will be left out and suffer. The energies are changing and evolving: a world with less aggression and more love, much more love; is emerging.

So, love yourself and love thy neighbour; for we are truly ALL ONE! What you see in another is actually within you, it is called the mirror effect. We have our teachers all around us, just stop pointing the finger and look within. And, you will find out who you truly are!

The answers we seek are inside of ourselves.

It’s a time to let go of the past and move forward, so that you are lighter and freer of all that no longer serves you. Say goodbye to the ex-partner that keeps popping up, they have only come to show you how much you have learned and grown since you were last together, the best friend who no longer has the same interests as you do, and even family members who are more of a hindrance than a help. It’s time to let go. Just do it! It’s time for you to fly.

Make room for the new. New people who are more aligned with your new self and new experiences. It’s all here for you now!

Go forth in peace and harmony, I say. Be happy, be kind, be compassionate, be grateful and most of all …be love!

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