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May is here, the summer is upon us

It’s May already and summer is upon us. Where does the time go?

Spring is upon us and new beginnings are here. With the New Moon on the 4th of May, ushering in big changes and transformation for everyone on some level or another.

It’s time to really think about what you want in your life. Ask yourself: what makes your heart sing? Then go down that road asap.There is no hiding anymore … the truth is being revealed on every level.

May is a month of Romance, Abundance and Work-related issues. It is about providing you with a new canvas so that you can recognise the good that surrounds you and take action accordingly, and then more will just flow effortlessly forward.

I just celebrated my 21 year anniversary of living in Dubai and, it really made me step back and think about my years here and all I have been through.

The last 4 years, have been by far the most profound; as a sequence of events have led to my deep healing journey. But that’s for another post!

What I’ve learnt through it all is that everything, absolutely everything comes to you as a learning experience. And, if you do not learn the lesson it will be repeated over and over again until you do!

For me, it was all about self-worth and stepping into my true Divine Feminine Power!

We are in a time of ultimate transformation. We must leave our old lives behind and step onto a brand-new path.

I for one, know that I must focus more on my healing work and emotional therapies, as this is where I’m being “called” and drawn to now.

I have so much knowledge from my 25 years of experience in healing through holistic beauty treatments; and feel compelled to be share it now with you and my clients.

I started a series of short videos on Instagram TV (IGTV) and informative videos on my YouTube channel; so please follow me on Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

As I sit and write in my bedroom, while my living room is being painted, I know that a new Chapter has begun.

When you change your home environment, clean your cupboards and get rid of the that is no longer of use to you, rest assured that you will making space for the “new” to surface.

So, get on with it peeps! No more excuses. In NLP (neuro linguistic programming) Excuses equal NO Results. There’s no more time to waste. Your TIME IS NOW!

Wishing you all so much love and that you will find your way as I did.

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