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Summer Time Surprises

Happy holidays everyone! How is your summer? Im just back from another wonderful work trip in Mykonos Greece. Its my 4th season there and it just keeps getting better and better. The energy of the island is truly special, and of course everyone is in heightened party mode as its the island of beach clubs, music and letting go!

I once again had the pleasure of some repeat guests and was invited to some spectacular homes wow!

My Miracle Method was the no.1 favourite for the second year, it seems that people really do need that balancing and clearance of blocks in their life. This therapy is super quick to give results as in during the session people start to feel things moving. The great thing is you don't even have to be in front of me, I do most of it online, as energy is fluid, its the intention that matters. It clears any and all blocks you feel you have in your life. Why don't you give it a go, unlike psychology you don't have to spill out all the juice of your life, just tell me what you want to clear and its done.

Getting back to my surroundings...Every year I look forward to this trip being surrounded in water, sunshine and breezy days just fills me with so much joy. I was in my element and because of that everything just flowed, effortlessly.

It got me thinking about the art of positive thinking and how we should all take more time to recognize what really makes out heart sing. When you are in the feeling of bliss we get a knock on effect that really just allows life to flow effortlessly in the right direction. It was a long time since I have experienced this and a good reminder.

Its so important to take time out and really relax in different surroundings from the every day grind. When we are relaxed it gives our psyche time to play and that's when ideas and inspiration come. Nature being the biggest gift. Surround yourself with trees, greenery or the water, so very healing.

September is nearing, can you believe how quickly this year has gone! And in Dubai its the start of the new year, new school year and getting back on track. So Dubai peeps enjoy the last 2 weeks of August and the end of most parents vacation time. I hope you are refreshed and ready to start a brand new cycle, having just went through another full moon energy shift.

Its important now to recognise what is and is not working for you, let go of the old and embrace the new.

Enjoy the last of the summer days

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